Abortion rights legal strategy with Emma Lee from Smishmortion101

Happy New Year HisTerical Society!  Let’s kick off 2024 with a bit of optimistic abortion legal strategy with Emma Lee from Smishmortion101!  

In this episode, Emma walks us through the GOP’s long game attack on abortion rights, and strategizes about how we can beat them at their own game with legal strategy.  She pokes holes in the legal exceptions for rape and incest and argues that litigation is the best way to challenge the legislatures authoritarian threats against new constitutional protections on abortion.    She lays out several potential arguments to strengthen abortion rights protections in the wake of Roe.  

Learn about the issues and grab onto a glimmer of hope that warriors like Emma are fighting for us on our side.  Follow her Instagram: @smishmortion101 for all her legal analysis!  
#abortionrights #fetalpersonhood #involuntaryservitude #abortionishealthcare #feministpodcast #LindaCoffeeEnergy #GileadhasArrived 

Abortion rights legal strategy with Emma Lee from Smishmortion101
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