GRR! Pt. 1 - Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights!

Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights (aka GRR!) members Elayne Richard (Education Coordinator) and Sarah Thompson (Storyteller and Board Member) join the podcast.  Founded by women who grew up in the 50s, 60s, and early 70s when women in this country had little or no access to birth control, GRR! continues to fight for abortion access.  

These two wonderful GRR! representatives joined the podcast for a spirited discussion about abortion activism then and now.  We discuss the various programs that GRR! supports for education, awareness, and political activism around Reproductive Justice. 

This can't miss episode features wisdom and experience for the ages and a discussion of how the abortion access landscape has evolved over time and geography.  For more information about GRR!
#grandmasknowbest #reproductivejustice #abortionishealthcare #mybodymychoice 
GRR!  Pt. 1 - Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights!
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