'On Matriarchy Lake' - film and Matriarchal societies with Lynn Tang

Lynn Tang joins us to discuss her new film, 'On Matriarchy Lake', which is based on a true story from real-life matriarchal society Mosuo, which still exists today in China.  Women are in charge in these societies, of which there are 8 in the world, totaling 8 million people!  Learn more about these "queendom" societies, the film, and Lynn's plans to form a matriarchal society here in the United States!  Don't miss this one!

On Matriachy Lake trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20DIoO6nTKM
and facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/OnMatriachyLake
More about The United Matriachy Nations:  https://UMN.stculture.org,
and the UMN facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083571872398
One of several articles on Mosuo matriarchal society https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/apr/01/the-kingdom-of-women-the-tibetan-tribe-where-a-man-is-never-the-boss
'On Matriarchy Lake' - film and Matriarchal societies with Lynn Tang
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